[Web4lib] joomla?

Margaret Gross margaretgross99 at yahoo.ca
Thu May 5 21:41:05 EDT 2011

Hi folks
I am looking to develop a website for a small private nonprofit club.

Any recommendations on what software to use? 
Is Joomla overkill? Is it easy to use? 

Any recommendations for free web hosting
I have used Google Sites, but wonder if there is a better way

I have a laptop with limited disk space and limited RAM

I know that I have asked much. Any suggestions would be most welcome
Will summarize for the list.



Margaret Gross, MLS,  Bibl. prof.

Librarian & Information and Knowledge Management Analyst

Bibliothécaire et Conseillère en gestion de l’information et des connaissances

Website:  https://sites.google.com/site/margaretgross/

"Success is a state of mind"

"La réussite est un état d'esprit"


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