[Web4lib] FW: Flatbed scanner for public use

Janet Fine janetrfine at hotmail.com
Wed Mar 23 15:00:31 EDT 2011

One more question:
Do you charge for scans?  If so, how much?   
Thanks!  Janet
Janet Fine 
Department Head, Circulation and Computer Services 
Great Neck Library 
159 Bayview Avenue 
Great Neck, NY 11023 
(516) 466-8055 ext. 205


From: janetrfine at hotmail.com
To: web4lib at webjunction.org; ncla at nassaulibrary.org
Subject: Flatbed scanner for public use
Date: Wed, 23 Mar 2011 18:47:14 +0000

Hi Everyone,
We are researching the purchase of a flatbed scanner for public use.  We would like the scanner to be a standalone unit and have the ability to send the scanned documents to 
a flash, email account or Google Docs. It would be good if the scanner also had a print option. We looked at CCP Solutions standalone scanner and were very impressed
at its ease of use and compact design--the public loved it as well--but my Board wants us to do more research before purchasing anything.
If you have some names of vendors or experiences to share with me, I will summarize all info for the group.  Your help is greatly appreciated.
Kind regards,
Janet Fine 
Department Head, Circulation and Computer Services 
Great Neck Library 
159 Bayview Avenue 
Great Neck, NY 11023 
(516) 466-8055 ext. 205


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