Mobile site stats

Aaron Tay aarontay at GMAIL.COM
Fri Dec 2 10:02:25 EST 2011


How about

There is a "reported percentage of total usage coming from mobile
access" table that might be useful. The main problem is that most
libraries are not showing very high usage, mean is about 5% for both
academic and public libraries. Though we can debate what "high" means
in absolute terms?


On Fri, Dec 2, 2011 at 10:47 PM, Kristi Bryant <kbryant at> wrote:
> I wish I had data to share, but I wish you luck!  I’m trying to convince
> higher level staff of the need to create a mobile III catalog as well and
> feel your pain!
> Best wishes!
> Kristi Bryant
> Reference and Technology Librarian
> Wells Public Library
> Wells, Maine  04090
> 207-646-8181 ext. 205
> e-mail:  kbryant at
> web:
> "Google can bring you back 100,000 answers, a librarian can bring you back
> the right one."  Neil Gaiman
> From: Web technologies in libraries [mailto:WEB4LIB at LISTSERV.ND.EDU] On
> Behalf Of Zusman, Laura
> Sent: Thursday, December 01, 2011 2:19 PM
> Subject: [WEB4LIB] Mobile site stats
> Hello!
> I’m in the situation of having to meet with our college marketing and IT
> departments to justify why it is we, the library, need our own mobile
> website. We’re planning on using LibraryAnywhere, as I’ve been on a trial
> for about a month now and think it does everything we need it to do (and at
> a reasonable price!). After I’d built the initial site, our director
> mentioned it to the head of IT, who exclaimed that they are already working
> on a college site.
> In any case, we’re meeting with these folks next week to show what I’ve
> built with the software, and explain why the library is different from the
> rest of campus (i.e., we’re a III library who’s not going to pay for AirPAC,
> so our IT department would not be able to get into Millennium for a mobile
> site, thereby totally leaving out many of the services our patrons would
> want).
> I’d love to be able to bring some statistics to the table at this meeting,
> to show the impact a library mobile site can have. I’ve searched for
> articles giving some concrete stats on mobile library usage, but without
> much luck. If anyone has implemented a library mobile site and has some
> stats (how many hits in a month or year or whatever, time spent on site,
> etc… Google Analytics type info) I would be thrilled to have them. It
> doesn’t have to be in detail, of course – whatever you’d be willing to
> share!
> (And if anyone has any tips on dealing with an IT department that doesn’t
> understand, I’d welcome that, too J)
> Thank you!
> Laura
> Laura Zusman
> Electronic Information Librarian
> Rivier College
> Regina Library
> 603.897.8683
> lzusman at
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