[Web4lib] web hosting question

Kozlowski,Brendon bkozlowski at sals.edu
Tue Sep 28 15:01:53 EDT 2010

I have used Site5 for my personal host, and we are currently using Dreamhost for the library. I ended up switching to Dreamhost. They are very similar in nature and in cost. If you do experience a problem with the shared server you are on, submit a ticket (for either host) and request to be moved to a more stable server. In 3 years, I've had to do this 4 times for Dreamhost. It is (unfortunately) a side-effect of using shared hosting. (I had worse luck with my personal account on Site5. This in now way detracts from the host's abilities, just the people I was sharing the server with.) However, the moves have always been very smooth and timely, and no action was needed on my part.
I've since switched from Site5 to Dreamhost for my personal hosting, but as stated, they are very similar. The largest benefit to using Dreamhost over Site5 is that I can name my SQL databases whatever I want (it does not have to be prefixed with my account). We are also allowed to use SSH to build our own binaries (such as PHP, MySQL, etc... if we didn't want to use the provided and maintained versions for whatever reason). The largest benefit to using Site5 is that they allow customized php.ini files which can be very handy.
I have not used Ruby/RoR or Python/Django, but I believe both hosts support them.
P.S. - Sorry for the direct email, Leo. I always forget to modify the TO field with this list-serve.
Brendon Kozlowski
Web Administrator
Saratoga Springs Public Library
49 Henry Street
Saratoga Springs, NY, 12866
[518] 584-7860 x217
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From: web4lib-bounces at webjunction.org on behalf of Leo Robert Klein
Sent: Tue 9/28/2010 2:44 PM
To: web4lib at webjunction.org
Subject: Re: [Web4lib] web hosting question

I'll second the denomination of Site5.com.  I've used it a lot for
Drupal sites (hence lots of MySQL & PHP).  It always seems to run a bit
more quickly than NetSol and BlueHost -- two other hosts I've had to use.


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On 9/28/10 1:11 PM, Ross Singer wrote:
> I use site5.com for a site and I've had no problems to speak of
> (although, admittedly, it's likely I wouldn't notice if there was an
> outage, it's an informational/demo site).  I have run PHP (Drupal,
> Wordpress, homegrown scripts) and Ruby apps there.  They support
> mod_rails.

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