[Web4lib] Google TV Netflix and Library TV

Robert L. Balliot rballiot at oceanstatelibrarian.com
Wed Sep 1 10:41:33 EDT 2010

I have been looking at developing a video based show on Libraries based on
the extremely successful format of Leo LaPorte's TwitTv : 

I have reviewed - 

YouTube for archives and trailers:

LiveStream as an economical social media delivery model:

However, two new formats that represent very wide distribution are available
or are becoming available soon:

Netflix -  http://developer.netflix.com  - a huge branded, easy to use
interface that fits dynamically with Amazon

GoogleTV - http://www.google.com/tv/  - currently partnering with Logitech,
Sony and others to create a search interface that melds traditional TV along
with the Google interface.

Multiple studios around the country / world can be utilized using the
Livestream model creating a remote Library news, interview, and product
review potential.

I think this could become a very strong marketing tool for libraries along
with a method of sharing information and ideas between libraries.  The
ability of bringing the Public Library and University Library to every TV
set in a dynamic, interactive format would extend the reach of libraries
beyond their walls.  The Netflix and Google models would allow Libraries as
expert resources share the bandwidth.  

I would like to partner with any libraries interested helping develop this
potential.  It is a great opportunity to share resources and keep libraries
visible and viable.

Robert L. Balliot
Skype: RBalliot
Bristol, Rhode Island

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