[Web4lib] DrupalCamp San Diego & ALA MidWinter

Brian Egan brian.egan at unlv.edu
Fri Nov 12 17:04:02 EST 2010

Hi All,

At UNLV Libraries we use Drupal to manage our website, and this year I'm helping to plan SandCamp, aka DrupalCamp San Diego, which is happening January 8-9, 2011 at the Balboa Park, Hall of Champions. If you're going to be in town for ALA Midwinter, and feel like taking a break and geeking out a bit about Drupal, please join us! 

You can learn more about SandCamp at http://2011.sandcamp.org/, and please let me know if you have questions or would like to hear about certain topics at SandCamp!

Brian Egan

UNLV Libraries
Web/Multimedia Designer
brian.egan at unlv.edu

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