[Web4lib] Marketing databases; WAS Link to Library site on College website

Alexandria Arnold aarnold at summitlibrary.org
Fri Jan 29 13:16:49 EST 2010

Regarding getting genuine marketing/advertising help from our database vendors, you are not alone in looking for that support: I was talking to a NJ librarian just the other week who was planning to bring the topic up again with a vendor.

As you so rightly pointed out, we are being forced to cut services which aren't used. I think what's saving databases right now is the fear that you can't possibly have a "good" library with few or no databases, but fiscal pressures may cause us to put databases on the chopping block. I'd like to think that vendors would do something substantial to insure that their customer base remains in place.

Alexandria Arnold
Assistant Director
Summit Free Public Library, NJ

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