[Web4lib] Mobile Services

Tessa L H Minchew Tessa.Minchew at gpc.edu
Tue Aug 31 11:19:06 EDT 2010

We're using LibraryH3lp for our chat and text reference and are unabashedly in love with it. They've added Google Voice and Twilio gateways for SMS, so you don't have to purchase a phone anymore. They've also added a character counter for the text sessions, so it's much easier to stay within the character limit.

Tessa L.H. Minchew
Systems/Catalog Librarian
Georgia Perimeter College
Library Technical Services
555 North Indian Creek Drive
Clarkston, GA  30021
Office: 678.891.3671
Fax: 678.891.3661
tessa.minchew at gpc.edu

-----Original Message-----
From: web4lib-bounces at webjunction.org [mailto:web4lib-bounces at webjunction.org] On Behalf Of Lenard Lawless
Sent: Tuesday, August 31, 2010 10:50 AM
To: web4lib
Subject: Re: [Web4lib] Mobile Services


Libraryh3lp is a great chat reference tool that also has an interface to
allow text messages.  Last I heard was that it required a Google Android
based phone to handle the actual texting, but those are getting cheaper
all the time.  The librarian interface looks exactly like all the other
chat reference sessions, but has a small SMS tag in the username.  The
only downside is that if you miss that tag, you might start typing away
without thinking about the size constraint of text messages.


Lenard Lawless
Access Services Librarian
Cape Breton University Library
(902) 563-1997
Lenard_Lawless at CBU.ca

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