[Web4lib] [web4lib] survey on library website thirdpartyanalytics privacy concerns

Marc Truitt marc.truitt at ualberta.ca
Mon Aug 30 16:14:48 EDT 2010

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While I'm glad that Robert has, apparently, reconsidered his criticism
of Roy's professional ethics, I note that the reconsideration in
question is based on "how tough the University of California would be
on staff librarians who wish to abide by professional ethics", and not
on a recognition that the original attack was itself inappropriate.  I
am troubled by the still-hanging implication that there is some
contradiction between having and practicing such ethics and the fact
that one's current employer (or one's current job responsibilities)
might be identified with some part of the library milieu other than "the
front lines of library services".

Are we to infer that those who work for library vendors either lack
professional ethics, or that they do not encounter ethical challenges at
least as regularly as do the rest of us?  Do individuals in our
profession cease to deserve our credence and respect, once they go to
work for library vendors?

And finally, are such ad hominem attacks really appropriate for web4lib?

- - mt

On 2010-08-30 12:27, Robert L. Balliot wrote:
> Sorry, I don't mean to diminish what you may think you have gone
> through to preserve ethical standards.
> One can only imagine how tough the University of California would be
> on staff librarians who wish to abide by professional ethics.
> ************************************************* 
> Robert L. Balliot
> Skype: RBalliot Bristol, Rhode Island 
> http://oceanstatelibrarian.com/contact.htm 
> *************************************************
> -----Original Message----- From: web4lib-bounces at webjunction.org
> [mailto:web4lib-bounces at webjunction.org] On Behalf Of Roy Tennant 
> Sent: Monday, August 30, 2010 2:10 PM To: web4lib at webjunction.org 
> Subject: Re: [Web4lib] [web4lib] survey on library website third
> partyanalytics privacy concerns
> On 8/30/10 8/30/10 € 10:16 AM, "Robert L. Balliot" 
> <rballiot at oceanstatelibrarian.com> wrote:
>> On the other hand, Roy's stance as an employee of OCLC that sells
>> services to libraries is really not the same as someone who is on
>> the front lines of library services.  It is pretty easy to commit
>> to professional ethics when you are never challenged and your
>> commitment to professional ethics helps to sell your services.  I
>> know lots of hawks who are all for war, especially when they are
>> not the ones who serve.
> I've worked in libraries since the age of 17. First I volunteered at
> my local public library. Then, at 18, I was able to get a job via a
> youth training program at a community college library. I worked that
> into a full-time job there, and eventually went on to work my way
> through school at first a state university, then the University of
> California. I worked at the University of California for 21 years,
> then joined OCLC a bit over 3 years ago. I have over 30 years of
> actual library experience, most of it in front-line public service
> positions. I've had plenty of time to have my commitment to the
> ethics of the profession tested on the front lines of library
> services. Roy

- -- 
Marc Truitt
Associate Director,
Bibliographic and Information       Voice  : 780-492-4770
    Technology Services             e-mail : marc.truitt at ualberta.ca
University of Alberta Libraries     fax    : 780-492-9243
Cameron Library                     cell   : 780-217-0356
Edmonton, AB  T6G 2J8

"The Byrds and the Airplane did fly
Oh, Ravi Shankar's music made me cry
The Who exploded into fire and light
Hugh Masekela's music was black as night
The Grateful Dead blew everybody's mind
Jimi Hendrix, baby believe me, set the world on fire..."

                                -- Eric Burdon and the Animals (1967)
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