[Web4lib] Arabic numerals

Andrew Cunningham andrewc at vicnet.net.au
Thu Mar 12 19:31:27 EDT 2009

Solutions and approaches are application dependant to some degree. But 
the general approach is to use the standard approach in Windows.

But the general approach is to just type the numbers from the keyboard.

But first check what Windows is doing with your digits.

For Vista:

   1. Go to Regional and Language options
   2. Click on the 'Customize this format' button
   3. Under "Use native digits" select the value you require. I suspect
      your setting is currently "Never". Other options are Context and
      National. Try either National or Context, my preference is for
      National, and switching numeral systems as my input locale changes.

Never: will always use Arabic digits (0-9)

Context: Windows will determine what language you are typing and display 
numbers accordingly.

National: use numerals based on current input locale.

Its worth noting that is appropriate language support is enabled in 
Microsoft Office, you can control digit behaviour form directly within 
Office applications as well.


Simmons, Chris (Library) wrote:

> Hi, as we try to offer more services in vernacular languages we have come across a couple challenges. One such issue is entering Arabic numerals and I was just wondering what other people are doing for entering Arabic numerals during cataloguing. 
> While Arabic dialect use these characters (1,2,3...),  according to Microsoft, Arabic fonts my be enabled via regional settings, however numbers will still appear as universal figures. We were able to change the Windows OS language to Native Arabic and the number continued to come out only as 1,2,3 - not in Arabic form. Apparently only a purchased version of  MS Windows may work - meaning the ENTIRE OS will be in Arabic. 
> The workaround that was suggested was to open charmap from start run and copy and paste the numbers.
> Any other workarounds?
> Thanks, Chris / Ottawa Public Library
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Andrew Cunningham
Senior Manager, Research and Development
State Library of Victoria
328 Swanston Street
Melbourne VIC 3000

Ph: +61-3-8664-7430
Fax: +61-3-9639-2175

Email: andrewc at vicnet.net.au
Alt email: lang.support at gmail.com


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