[Web4lib] 4th Institutional Repository Workshop (Univ of Pretoria) - change in registration due date

Ina Smith Ina.Smith at up.ac.za
Tue Mar 3 14:18:15 EST 2009

* Please note that - on request of various individuals - the due date for registrations and payments has now been postponed until 25 March 2009*


Following the need for training and support on implementing institutional repositories in developing (and also in some instances developed) countries, it is our privilege to announce that a 4th Institutional Repository Workshop will be hosted by the University of Pretoria (South Africa) during 2009. Visit the University of Pretoria at http://www.up.ac.za 

About this workshop
Modern computer technology is barely 50 years old, and few of us have seen
or used digital objects that are more than 30 years old. Add to this that we
can't predict the future of computer technology, it puts us in a very
vulnerable position when deciding on which approach to follow when
preserving our digital assets (incl. research). More and more African as
well as South African institutions/organizations are starting to implement
digital preservation strategies and repositories in order to collect,
disseminate, manage, preserve, and index their digitally born and
non-digitally born assets, following a world-wide paradigm. In addition to
preserving intellectual output, an open access digital repository can also
help improve the visibility, usage and impact of research conducted at your
institution on the world out there.

The aim of this workshop will be to equip colleagues from all sectors with
the necessary skills to implement a digital repository - from compiling and
implementing an e-strategy, conducting a needs analysis, compiling a
business plan, proposal, installing the necessary software (we will be using
DSpace open source software), digitization and copyright issues, up to
giving exposure to the repository and the role of librarians and faculty.

Program and more info: http://www.library.up.ac.za/irtoolbox/workshop.htm 

Who should attend?
Project Managers, IT staff & Library staff with the responsibility to
implement a digital institutional repository at their institutions, from all
sectors of life - higher education, private institutions, public departments

Date: 1 - 3 April 2009

Venue: University of Pretoria, Main Campus, Lynnwood Road (Orange Lab,
Informatorium Building 67), Pretoria, South Africa

Costs: R 1 800,00 per delegate (incl. VAT) (SA Rand)

Please register online: http://www.library.up.ac.za/irtoolbox/registration.htm 

Closing date for registrations and payments: 28 February 2009

Inquiries: ina.smith at up.ac.za or christelle.steyn at up.ac.za 

Kind regards,

Ina Smith 
Digital Research Repository (UPSpace) Manager & eApplication Specialist
Department of Library Services
University of Pretoria
South Africa

Tel.: +27 12 420 3082
Fax: +27 12 362 5100 or 086 634 4663
Skype: smith.ina
E-mail: ina.smith at up.ac.za 

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