[Web4lib] OPAC outputs in JSON - adding opac results to google

John Fereira jaf30 at cornell.edu
Mon Jun 8 06:50:29 EDT 2009

Aaron Tay wrote:
> Hi all
> Recently I came across a OPAC that outputs search results in JSON,
> something like
> http://academic.demo.kohalibrary.com/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=obama&format=rss2but
> for Json instead of RSS.

I haven't really looked at Koha, but if you were interested in producing 
Json instead of RSS it might not be all that difficult, depending on how 
Koha is architected.   I have been working on a suite of "Library 
Services" that would be consumable by a variety of delivery platforms 
that are being used at the different unit libraries.  The services 
include  "Library Assets" (circulating equipment such as laptops, 
cameras, etc), Study Rooms,  Course Reserves, Staff Directories, an 
event aggregator service (i.e for Workshops, Meeting Room reservations) 
, and Library Hours.  Many of the services require integration with the 
catalog.  All of the services produce output as xhtml, xml, and json. 
The event service and the library hours service also produce iCal.
None of this is in production yet but the Course Reserver service will 
likely go in this week but I'm also working on a Drupal site that is 
consuming all of the service (except for the Library Hours, but I should 
have that working today).

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