[Web4lib] RE: Amazon Deletes Orwell from Kindles

Amy Rogers rogers.a at comcast.net
Tue Jul 21 13:18:56 EDT 2009

For what it is worth, I came across this item the other day. Seemed  
that if some fact checking were done, there would not have been an  

"The two books in question were published for the Kindle by a company  
called Mobile Reference, which offers public domain books for around  
$1. Mobile Reference did not have the right to sell Orwell's novels  
because 1984 and Animal Farm are still under copyright protection in  
the United States. They were not legitimate or "perfectly legal"  
copies of the books, but rather illicit copies that should not have  
been sold in the first place.
"Contrary to what the New York Times reported, the publisher did not  
change its mind, nor did Amazon cave to pressure. Rather, Amazon was  
notified that copyrighted material was being sold on the Amazon store  
without permission and it removed said material."

More at http://bit.ly/hQDZQ

"Media goes crazy over Amazon deleting '1984' from Kindle, but 99- 
cent ebook was illegal copy"

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