[Web4lib] FW: Patrons reading/playing cds at public computers

Janet Fine janetrfine at hotmail.com
Wed Feb 25 11:58:10 EST 2009



Hi Everyone,


Thank you for your responses regarding patron accessing cds (data and music) at public computers.  I received 14 responses and of the these 8 allowed complete access to cds and 6 did not allow access.  The reason for not allowing access to cds reflected security needs.  Again, thank you for your help. 


Janet Fine 
Department Head, Circulation and Computer Services 
Great Neck Library 
159 Bayview Avenue 
Great Neck, NY 11023 
(516) 466-8055 ext. 205


From: janetrfine at hotmail.com
To: web4lib at webjunction.org; ncla at yahoogroups.com; ncla at nassaulibrary.org
Subject: Patrons reading/playing cds at public computers
Date: Mon, 23 Feb 2009 16:43:37 +0000

What is your Library's policy regarding a patron's ability to read data stored on their own cds at your public computers? Also do you allow patrons to listen to music on their own cds at the public computers? We do supply headsets for tutorials, etc.  
Thanks--any information you supply will be shared with the group.


Janet Fine 
Department Head, Circulation and Computer Services 
Great Neck Library 
159 Bayview Avenue 
Great Neck, NY 11023 
(516) 466-8055 ext. 205

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