[Web4lib] Who does your library follow on Twitter?

Cornwall, Daniel D (EED) dan.cornwall at alaska.gov
Fri Feb 13 14:30:14 EST 2009

Hi All,

Our library recently established a Twitter account at
twitter.com/akstatelibrary. I'm a sort of do it first, ask questions
later kind of guy, so I'm asking now what I should have asked before:

If your library has a Twitter account, do you have criteria about who
you will follow? Any non-spammer? Only other institutions? No one at
all? Why do you what you do?

Our main purpose in having a Twitter account is to have a user-friendly
funnel for our RSS feeds and to have the ability to broadcast last
minute webinars and new resources in a way that doesn't clutter people's
e-mail boxes.

Thanks in advance for any advice. - Daniel


Daniel Cornwall
Head of Information Services 
Alaska State Library 
PO Box 110571
Juneau, AK 99811-0571
(907) 465-1315 ph
(907) 465-2665 fax
E-Mail: dan.cornwall at alaska.gov

The Alaska State Library serves all:
    State Employees - http://library.state.ak.us/is/infoserv.html
    Librarians - http://library.state.ak.us/dev/libdev.html
    Everyone else! - http://library.state.ak.us/

Ask us! - http://library.state.ak.us/forms/askalibindex.html
Any opinions expressed in this e-mail are mine alone and not those of my
employer unless explicitly stated.

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