[Web4lib] The Internet - Let's junk the myths and celebrate what we've got

B.G. Sloan bgsloan2 at yahoo.com
Sun Sep 28 19:45:01 EDT 2008

Interesting piece from the Guardian...
Jarvis, Jeff. Let's junk the myths and celebrate what we've got. The Guardian, September 29, 2008. http://www.guardian.co.uk/media/2008/sep/29/digital.media.new
An excerpt:
"It never fails. I'll be talking with a group about the amazing opportunities of the internet age and inevitably someone will pipe up and say, 'Yes, but there are inaccuracies on the internet.' And: 'There are no standards there.' ...There the conversation stalls....Once and for all, I'd like to respond to these fears and complaints."
Bernie Sloan
Sora Associates
Bloomington, IN


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