[Web4lib] Intranet revamp

Paula Gray-Overtoom pgrayove at monroe.lib.in.us
Fri Jan 11 09:32:59 EST 2008

Our library is preparing to revamp our intranet and I am wondering if
any of you would be willing to let us take a peek at your intranet.

I have a few questions too and even if I can't take a look, I'd like
find out how other people are doing it.

1.  What software are you using to post content?

2.  How do you manage how and what gets posted?

3.  What are the best features of your intranet?

4.  What about your intranet could use some improvement?

We've had an intranet available to our staff for about 7 years and have
used Macromedia/Adobe's Contribute software to post content for the
majority of that time.  We also have a blog, a wiki, dynamically
generated content from in-house developed scripts and static pages.  We
really want to consider moving to an open source CMS and want to see
what other libraries are doing.

You can email me at pgrayove at mcpl.info 


Paula Gray-Overtoom
Information Services Librarian
Fax: 812-349-3051
Monroe County Public Library
303 E. Kirkwood Ave. 
Bloomington, IN 47408


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