[Web4lib] Library Website Awards...?

Amy Drayer amostrom at gmail.com
Wed Feb 27 08:16:24 EST 2008

Dear Web4Libbers:

>  I went to libsite.org and feel the same way you do about libsuccess.org. I did a search several months ago for Library Website Awards, but came up emptyhanded.
>  Does anyone have an inside track to ALA to suggest this...or ....maybe figure out a way to do an online vote through the Web4Lib Wiki, perhaps categories for Academic, Public, Special, School Libraries...?

Late jumping in here, but some may find this interesting. NAGWeb, the
National Association of Government Webmasters, has something called
the Pinnacle Award (see 2007's conference):

Its focus is on government Web sites, but it's a similar concept.
Awards are a happy thing, and it is useful to see some good working
examples (and honor those people who put the time and effort into
building them). :-)

In peace,

Amy M. Drayer
Web and Systems Librarian
amostrom at gmail.com

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