[Web4lib] Conference Suggestions?

Bret Parker Bret.Parker at ci.stockton.ca.us
Tue Feb 26 12:47:38 EST 2008

I've twice attended  O'Reilly Open Source Convention (2002 & 2004).  Read a description here of 2007:


OSCON 2008, here:  http://en.oreilly.com/oscon2008/public/content/home 

In 2002 and 2004 there were some tutorial sessions that were great; moreso if you were new to the topic of the course. The speakers included some excellent presenters, and mingling at breaks I saw and had conversations with some interesting technology folks, including O'Reilly authors and people who participate in writing standards.  In 2004 there was a presentation on Koha and I met some library technologists there, but otherwise the attendees had little to do with libraries. The technology addressed included that which has been embraced by libraries, though.

Bret Parker
Senior Systems Analyst (MLIS)
Stockton-San Joaquin County
Public Library
605 N. El Dorado St
Stockton, CA 95202
bret.parker at ci.stockton.ca.us
(209) 937-7148


>>> "Gem Stone-Logan" <gemstonelogan at gmail.com> 2/24/2008 8:08 AM >>>
I get to attend one major conference a year and am currently trying to
decide which one to apply for.  Anyone have suggestions of great
technology conferences they've been to?

I'm looking for a technology conference with an information focus but
not necessarily a library focus.  The kind of conference where I can
learn about new technologies and ideas and then consider how they
could be adapted for a library environment.

The themes of the Online Information conference in 2007 looked
interesting  (http://www.online-information.co.uk/online07/conferencethemes.html)
but I don't know if it's worth traveling across the pond for in 2008
or not :)

In previous years, I've gone to CODI (the Horizon user conference).
However, with Horizon no longer under development and our future plans
for an ILS unclear, a vendor specific conference doesn't seem to make
sense.  Last year I went to ALA mainly to scout for a new ILS but
other than Evergreen, which current isn't quite ready for us (or we
aren't ready for it?), nothing looked particularly interesting.  Also,
 I didn't feel like I learned much new there.  Everything tech
oriented seemed to have been covered for at least the past 6 months in
all the online blogs.

Thanks for your suggestions!

Gem Stone-Logan
Weld Library District
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Web4lib at webjunction.org 

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