[Web4lib] Reminder! Richmond, VA User Experience Meetup (RUX)

Susan Teague Rector seteague at vcu.edu
Tue Feb 26 08:34:02 EST 2008

/[Apologies for cross posting]

Please join us tomorrow night for the 2nd RUX (Richmond User Experience) group meetup!
/(this group was formerly known as the IA/Usability group)/

*When: *Wednesday, February 27, 2008, 6PM
*Where: *Barrel Thief Wine Shop & Cafe [http://www.barrelthiefwine.com/], 11747 West Broad Street, Richmond, VA 23233 (close to the interstate for both the Richmond and Charlottesville folks)

Reservations are under the RUX Group. 

It looks to be an exciting meeting! We'll hear from Joe Sokohl and others who attended the IxDA Interaction Design Conference [http://www.ixda.org/] in Savannah as well as go over the results of the survey we sent out.

We also have a Yahoo! Group [http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/richmondux/] where I'll also post the meeting details. 

Look forward to seeing you there!


Susan Teague Rector
Web Applications Manager
Library Information Systems | VCU Libraries
804.827.3554 | seteague at vcu.edu

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