[Web4lib] Nintendo Wii, whiteboards, and library instruction

Robert L. Balliot rballiot at oceanstatelibrarian.com
Tue Apr 15 07:24:55 EDT 2008



Here is a great little flash video from TED showcasing researcher Johnny
Lee's simple, replicable,

hacks of the 40$ Wii controller 


http://oceanstatelibrarian.com <http://oceanstatelibrarian.com/> 



With a wireless PC, a 40$ Wii controller, and about 5$ in Radio Shack
hardware, you can create 

an interactive whiteboard and more.  This shows great potential as a
teaching tool for the budget 

conscious library.  Or, if you might just want to dazzle people with a
Minority <http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0181689/>  Report  style

of special effects.



Robert L. Balliot

Skype: RBalliot

Bristol, Rhode Island




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