[Web4lib] Library Staff Scheduler

Joshua M. Ferraro jmf at liblime.com
Wed Sep 5 07:55:18 EDT 2007

----- "Sharon Foster" <fostersm1 at gmail.com> wrote:
> I've set up a wiki to collect software requirements for a Library
> Staff Scheduler. Initially it's intended for use by public libraries,
> because that's what I'm most familiar with, but I'd also like to
> incorporate any unique requirements from other kinds of libraries.
> I know there is at least one implementation of this type of
> application at http://sourceforge.net/projects/empscheduler/, and I
> fully expect to use that project as the starting point for the
> implementation of this one, but the demo page is missing or broken,
> the project itself hasn't been updated since 12/2004, and it doesn't
> particularly address the special requirements of library staffing.

This is great, thanks for sharing. I think your approach here is
dead on -- define the need, look at open source options available,
and plan to invest resources in the solution. Best of luck, I hope
you find some others who are interested in this project, and do let
us know about your progress.


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