[Web4lib] New Job Title Pulled from Thin Air

Louise Alcorn Louise.Alcorn at wdm-ia.com
Thu May 17 11:18:46 EDT 2007


>I think American culture has clearly set precedent for defining them as
nerds in such >classics as "Revenge of the Nerds" and the various Nerd
sequels.  It seems to me that the >time has come for the OED to step in
and settle on a clear definition.

What fate the dweebs?

To bring this back (sort of) to a library tech focus, I'm delighted to
see more librarians enthusiastically embracing the "geekier" or
"nerdier" aspects of our jobs, and even holding the new titles with
pride, whether the new title came upon us "accidentally" or
deliberately.  This bodes well for our future relevancy.

I, for one, am working on getting "Library Technology Goddess"
officially engraved on a name plate.  No joy as yet.  And whither my
magic lasso?  

Louise  (T-minus 3+ hours to new website launch - watch our URL!)

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