[Web4lib] RE: [lita-l] Innovation: NYT articleon Dewey-lessArizonapublic library

Andrew amutch at waterford.lib.mi.us
Mon Jul 16 15:13:27 EDT 2007

"2. They did years of user surveys and focus groups. Users said over and 

again that they preferred browsing. The rest... well, I should save some
stuff for Techsource ;)"


Were you specifically referring to the Maricopa County discussion? 

One problem I see with the comparison of user experiences in libraries and bookstores is that until just a few years ago, the only alternative to browsing at most bookstores was to ask the clerk at the register or "information desk". Bookstores didn't provide customers with any tools that would allow you to search what was in their inventory. Most libraries, in contrast, have always had some way, whether it be the card catalog or the online catalog, for a user to browse or search for material and even determine whether an item was available or not. For all of the knocks on those systems (some justified), they provided an alternative that wasn't available in bookstores. The current systems at bookstores provide a lot more information than location but it's interesting that bookstores emulated the online catalog in their stores. Doesn't that at least raise questions about whether users prefer just browsing if bookstores are offering an alternative? 

Andrew Mutch
Library Systems Technician
Waterford Township Public Library
Waterford, MI

K.G. Schneider wrote:
>> much more difficult to make such changes.  Over all, I heartily agree
>> that if patrons' typical search behavior looks more like what one finds
>> a B&N than an ACRL research library, then emulate B&N by all means.  I
>> am simply curious as to how these sort of questions were addressed
>> (after all, the change was made by librarians who must have asked
>> questions like these before they implemented this project).  
> 1. Perhaps someone can point us to the proper citations: what *is* the
> typical search behavior in a research library? 
> 2. They did years of user surveys and focus groups. Users said over and over
> again that they preferred browsing. The rest... well, I should save some
> stuff for Techsource ;)
> Karen G. Schneider
> kgs at freerangelibrarian.com 
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