[Web4lib] Code4lib 2008 Minority Scholarship

Robert L. Balliot rballiot at oceanstatelibrarian.com
Wed Dec 19 15:48:59 EST 2007

Me too!  

Roy Tennant was responsible for making me
think of that.  But, fortunately, he has
already apologized for saying anything that might
be divisive.  And, Bill Drew has apologized for
anyone who might appear to be male.

Hopefully, all of the sacred cows will stop being
discussed now and no one will question the status

One male, an open coffee bar, and two hundred
white women in scarves.

Robert L. Balliot
Skype: RBalliot
Bristol, Rhode Island

-----Original Message-----
From: web4lib-bounces at webjunction.org
[mailto:web4lib-bounces at webjunction.org] On Behalf Of Danielle Plumer
Sent: Wednesday, December 19, 2007 3:05 PM
To: web4lib at webjunction.org
Subject: RE: [Web4lib] Code4lib 2008 Minority Scholarship

Like several others, it seems, I'm feeling just a wee bit ashamed of myself
for not contributing to this discussion. In fact, I had been preparing a
response (along the lines of "why I'm going to attend Code4Lib") when one
comment popped up that made me feel physically ill:  

"One woman, free 'Happy Hour' at the Embassy Suites, and a nerd herd."

Danielle Cunniff Plumer, Coordinator
Texas Heritage Digitization Initiative
Texas State Library and Archives Commission
512.463.5852 (phone) / 512.936.2306 (fax)
dplumer at tsl.state.tx.us

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