[Web4lib] Downloadable audiobooks - Windows Media Player for theMacintosh?

Derik Badman dbadman at temple.edu
Thu Aug 9 09:56:49 EDT 2007

On Aug 9, 2007, at 9:19 AM, Michael L. Champion wrote:

> I'm not a Mac user but has anyone tried this:
> Windows Media(r) Components for QuickTime
> http://www.microsoft.com/downloads/details.aspx?FamilyID=915d874d- 
> d747-4
> 180-a400-5f06b1b5e559&DisplayLang=en#Overview
> Here is the "Advanced version"
> http://www.flip4mac.com/wmv.htm

I've been using flip4mac for quite awhile. It works great for playing  
or streaming Windows media files but it won't work with the DRM.

Derik A. Badman
Digital Services Librarian
Reference Librarian for Education and Social Administration
Temple University Libraries
Paley Library 121
Phone: 215-204-5250
Email: dbadman at temple.edu
AIM: derikbad

"Some people cry out against the acceleration of time, others cry out  
against stagnation. They're both right." -Henri Lefebvre

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