[Web4lib] Where to invest in music collection.

Charlie Irwin cirwin at criminal-sound.com
Fri Oct 20 17:42:59 EDT 2006

Avrum Shepard wrote:
>  You need to plan what to do with the
> lp's once your done. Sell them on eBay? First find out
> what they're worth. Some out-of-print lp's are worth a
> lot of money, but most are not worth much.
> Avrum
IF you are making copies of material that is copyrighted, then you may 
need to keep the originals - not sell them. I would check with someone 
about this. My understanding of copyright is that you have the right to 
make "use"copies as long as you own the originals. However, if you sell 
the originals, your right to have (and circulate) copies may cease. (But 
I'm not a lawyer...)

Charlie Irwin

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