[Web4lib] Library Systems Question from San Diego State

ellie dworak ellied at rohan.sdsu.edu
Thu May 25 16:14:50 EDT 2006

Dear Colleagues-

We're considering a project to track and provide bibliographical records of 
publications authored by or involving our faculty, and possibly students 
here at San Diego State University.

If your library is involved in such a project, we'd love to know a few 
things about your online bibliography.

1. Is your system entirely homegrown, or did you purchase it? If entirely 
or partially homegrown, how many people were involved in developing it, or 
maintaining it? If purchased, what are you using?

2. Is the technology maintained by the library, or some other campus 
entity? (If campus academic IT is part of the Library, please note this.)

3. Is the information updated regularly? If so, how often, who updates it, 
validates it, edits it, etc.? How are updates done, e.g. database query 
scripts, manual entry, self-reporting)? How many people are involved?

Please don't think that we are asking for extensive writing, or much of 
your time. I'd love to get brief answers; anything would help. We are 
involved in campus discussions about allocating resources to such a 
project, and I'm sure you know how those discussions go. I will compile 
answers to the list if there is interest.

Thank you in advance for your time!

Ellie Dworak
Electronic Systems and Services Librarian | San Diego State University

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