[Web4lib] The Ulitmate Debate--Who Controls the Future of Search--An ALA Co nference Session

Yu, Holly HYu3 at exchange.calstatela.edu
Mon May 15 14:21:21 EDT 2006

You are cordially invited to an ALA conference session The Ultimate Debate--
Who Controls The Future of Search sponsored by LITA Internet Resources
Interest Group.  Be it resolved that the future of search will occur without
library influence. Will libraries continue their vital role in the evolution
of search, or will we be left in the dust by Google and their ilk? You won't
want to miss this provocative debate on the future of library influence on
search technology. Come and be a part of this ultimate debate. 

Session Moderator: Roy Tennant.  
Speakers/Debaters Stephen Abram and Joe Janes   

Time: 1:30-3:30 p.m. Saturday, June 24, 2006

Location: Morial Convention Center - Rm 388-390

Tentative Topics 

1) Will search services produced by large commercial companies  

such as Google, Microsoft, and Yahoo! replace the need for libraries? 


2) Should libraries cooperate with commercial companies by giving  

them our metadata and/or content? (Open WorldCat, Google Scholar, Google
Book Search, etc.)


3) What are your worst nightmare and your finest vision for

the future of library search services, and what is your level of confidence
in achieving either?




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