FW: [Web4lib] Re: user access

Pons, Lisa (ponslm) PONSLM at UCMAIL.UC.EDU
Fri Jun 2 11:16:33 EDT 2006


-----Original Message-----
From: Pons, Lisa (ponslm) 
Sent: Friday, June 02, 2006 11:15 AM
To: 'Dale Irving'
Subject: RE: [Web4lib] Re: user access

Our librarians use Contribute, which limits the damage. In addition we
use templates, so that further limits the damage. Lastly, each person
has their own individual account and password. 

>   The library I am working with currently allow all the subject 
> librarians to access the library web server using the same 
> username/password combo as the webmaster's. Everybody basically can 
> not only manage his own folder, but also possible to mess up other 
> people's folders. It has been working in this way for years and 
> occationally bad things happened when somebody accidentally messed up 
> our library homepage. I am wondering how you guys manage your sites to

> set up permissions to allow the subject librarians to access the 
> server. Do you create acccount for each individual librarian to access

> the library server?
>   Many thanks,
>   Hon
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