[Web4lib] Re: user access

Dale Irving dirving at sailsinc.org
Fri Jun 2 10:52:15 EDT 2006

Hello Hon,
As someone else mentioned shared user accounts have serious drawbacks, 
however, in some situations they may be desirable.  Although you don't 
mention your server or client operating systems the setup I use on our 
Win2003 server/XP client network can probably be applied to most networks.  
We use individual, administrator level user accounts for the library 
director, assistant director, and information systems (me) users.  These 
accounts have access to all network resources, although not necessarily full 
control of the server.  Other staff are given either individual accounts or 
access to shared accounts depending on their jobs: for example; the 
reference librarian gets an individual roaming account with limited access 
to network resources (essentially only her own and shared-staff folders).  
Computers used for circulation, technical services, and the staff work room 
are given machine-specific accounts with access to all staff-wide and 
personal folders (such as Circ 1, Circ 2, etc.). This prevents circ staff 
from having to repeatedly log on and off these workstations.  I asked these 
staff members if they wanted passworded personal folders - none did, but 
this would be fairly easy to implement.


Dear friends, 


  The library I am working with currently allow all the subject
librarians to access the library web server using the same
username/password combo as the webmaster's. Everybody basically can not
only manage his own folder, but also possible to mess up other people's
folders. It has been working in this way for years and occationally bad
things happened when somebody accidentally messed up our library
homepage. I am wondering how you guys manage your sites to set up
permissions to allow the subject librarians to access the server. Do
you create acccount for each individual librarian to access the library


  Many thanks, 



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