[Web4lib] senior programmer analyst

Eric Lease Morgan emorgan at nd.edu
Thu Jun 1 10:41:43 EDT 2006

Notre Dame is hiring a Senior Programmer Analyst, and if you have any  
questions about the position do not hesitate to drop me a line.

Job Description

The Digital Access and Information Architecture Department of the  
University Libraries of Notre Dame is seeking a Senior Programmer  
Analyst. This position will have three types of responsibilities: 1)  
write and maintain object-oriented Perl programs, 2) provide systems  
administration services for a number of Linux-based platforms, and 3)  
actively participate in the general workings of the Department.

The goal of the Department is to help the Libraries implement digital  
library collections and services. Some of the short-term projects  
this position provides support for may include: creating a "portal"  
for Catholic research materials, enhancing services applied against  
an institutional repository, supporting the campus-wide search  
engine, implementing a method for creating and disseminating the  
content of TEI files, supporting a local LOCKSS host, exploiting Web  
Services-based computing to acquire and disseminate information,  
developing and supporting an open source software digital library  
system called MyLibrary. The ability to write Web-based computer  
programs in object-oriented Perl is a must but other programming  
languages are desirable. The successful candidate must also know how  
to design a (MySQL) relational database, write a valid XML file given  
a DTD and/or XML schema, and securely administrate small- to mid- 
sized computers running the Linux operating system.

The Department is small, project-oriented, and collaborative in  
nature. The successful candidate must also possess good written and  
oral communication skills exemplified by the ability to listen and  
share ideas in many forms.

Minimum Qualifications

This position must have a college degree in Computer Science (or in a  
related field) and/or demonstrated professional experience. The  
person filling this position must have the ability to:

   * Write computer applications in object-oriented Perl.

   * Draw an entity-relationship diagram and therefore have the
     ability to normalize a relational database and execute SQL
     queries against a relational database.

   * Write well-formed and valid XML given an XML schema or DTD.

   * Listen to other people.

   * Communicate effectively in written and oral forms.

   * Work in a collaborative environment.

   * Troubleshoot and resolve critical hardware/software problems
     outside normal business hours.

The incumbent must have at least three years of programming  
experience while working in a collaborative environment and have  
demonstrated their ability to document their efforts in written and  
oral form.

Preferred Qualifications

The ability to write computer programs in languages other than Perl  
(such as Javascript, Java, PHP, or C) is desirable. People who have  
worked in libraries or academia are encouraged to apply. A knowledge  
of the open source software development process is as plus.

Position Pay Range - $3,560-$5,980/Month

To apply go http://jobs.nd.edu and search for requisition number  
020060267. AA/EOE

Eric Lease Morgan
Head, Digital Access and Information Architecture Department
University Libraries of Notre Dame

(574) 631-8604

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