[Web4lib] FW: [DIG_REF] IM & Security

Michael McEvoy mmcevoy at northvillelibrary.org
Mon Jan 30 16:08:41 EST 2006

IM's are increasingly open to IM virii...

However, as a long time IM user, I've never picked up virii this way,
using multiple IM's. Most of the virii and worm exploits attack specific
versions of MSN Messenger, AIM, or other actual clients.

Using something like Trillian is SAFER than using anything directly
provided by MSN Messenger.

You can also look at GAIM (which will do MSN, Yahoo, ICQ, AIM, Jabber,
Google, IRC at the same time). http://gaim.sourceforge.net

While the worry is valid, most of the virus/worm exploits for IM are not
"instant infect" malware. They're mostly trojans, relying on user
inexperience/gullibility to click and launch the payload. That's nothing
simple awareness can't defeat.

On Mon, January 30, 2006 15:59, Francis Kayiwa wrote:
- > Hash: SHA1
- >
- >
- > On Jan 30, 2006, at 2:23 PM, K.G. Schneider wrote:
- >
- >> (Forwarded with Andrea's consent. I'll forward back a summary to
- >> DIGREF. --
- >> K.G. Schneider)
- >>
- >> -----Original Message-----
- >> From: Dig_Ref [mailto:dig_ref at listserv.syr.edu] On Behalf Of Andrea
- >> Stewart
- >> Sent: Monday, January 30, 2006 5:16 AM
- >> Subject: [DIG_REF] IM & Security
- >>
- >> We are presently attempting to set up an IM reference service at our
- >> college and are leaning towards Trillian (free version).  I say
- >> attempting because we have met with some opposition from our computer
- >> services department.  The main issue in their eyes being 'security'.
- >> Their latest suggestion to us is to use the web version of msn
- >> messenger
- >> which is unacceptable as it does not have the functionality of other
- >> products such as saving history, alerts, or sending files.  While
- >> we do
- >> understand their concerns, we are also excited about the benefits of
- >> offering this extra level of service and are anxious to move
- >> forward.  I
- >> am hoping to hear from anyone who has encountered this type of issue
- >> within their institutions and any compromises, advice, etc... that you
- >> have to offer would be greatly appreciated.
- >
- > I am curious how the word security is used here. Is Andrea's library
- > planning to host the server Jabber etc.,? In this case then the
- > concern is warranted *IF* and only if they do not have a good system
- > administrator.  If not then I am really confused. Is the concern that
- > the use of IM might compromise their network. How is that different
- > from any software (including web based chat) that is not kept
- > current? Are they allowed to install any other software on these
- > computers? Is this how the word "security" is used?
- >
- > Or do we *also* mean the integrity of logs generated by Trillian or
- > <insert preferred chat client>?
- >
- > regards,
- > Francis
- > ===============
- > Francis Kayiwa
- > Library Systems Team
- > 4-180, MC 234
- > T: +1.312.996.2716
- > W: http://www.uic.edu/~kayiwa
- > Key: http://tigger.uic.edu/~kayiwa/kayiwa.gpg
- >
- >
- > Version: GnuPG v1.4.1 (Darwin)
- >
- > sfxp7I1Nw9qn/pVtLcfpV+I=
- > =Yb7H
- > -----END PGP SIGNATURE-----
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   /      \     Michael McEvoy
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