[Web4lib] The Library, FaceBook, and My Space

Edward Vielmetti edward.vielmetti at gmail.com
Tue Jan 17 23:58:52 EST 2006

q= behavioral economics worldcat

does a pretty good job.  it searches a union
catalog from OCLC, and then you zero in
to figure out whether your library has the

i rigged up an IM bot that does a few library
catalog searches too, which you can see if
you befriend superpatronbot at gmail.com .
more libraries are addable as we find either
RSS, REST, or Z39.50 interfaces in any reasonable


On 1/17/06, Jeremy Dunck <jdunck at gmail.com> wrote:
> On 1/17/06, Jason Griffey <Jason-Griffey at utc.edu> wrote:
> > That said...it's been a big disappointment on my end thus far. I'm not
> > willing to give up yet, but students seem very put off by the idea of
> > using these social tools for "work". I'd be interested in hearing others
> > thoughts, though.
> I'm a student, although perhaps not a "normal" one.  But I think the
> having facebook accounts is a good thing.  Next stop: OPAC through
> google.
> q=my paper subject site:library.utdallas.edu/opac
> ;-)
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Edward Vielmetti in Ann Arbor, MI 48104
+1 734 276 5910

edward.vielmetti at gmail.com

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