[WEB4LIB] ampersand encoding in dreamweaver

Beth A Reiten reitene at okstate.edu
Wed Mar 30 09:24:01 EST 2005

Sunny -

I've had that problem, too.  It's not the roots!

What I've had to do is make the change, cut the URL out of the page 
entirely, save the file, then paste the URL back in and save it again. 
It'll take then.  Don't know why, but there it is.

The one time I haven't had a problem is when I've made the change using 
Sausage Software's Multi-File Find and Replace utility.  If the file isn't 
open in Dreamweaver when the change is made, it'll take.

OSU is currently changing the campus IT structure and my e-mail will 
continue to be extremely unreliable for the foreseeable future.  If you 
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Beth Reiten, Asst. Professor & Librarian
Digital Library Services
Edmon Low Library
Oklahoma State University
Phone: 405-744-9109
Email: reitene at okstate.edu

medlib <sunupnow at gmail.com>
Sent by: web4lib at webjunction.org
03/29/2005 07:53 PM
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        To:     Multiple recipients of list <web4lib at webjunction.org>
        cc:     (bcc: Beth A Reiten/lib/Okstate)
        Subject:        [WEB4LIB] ampersand encoding in dreamweaver

hi folks,

our library website has a lot of database URLs, and i'm addressing the
task of turning all amersands in our URLs into "&amp;" ... but
dreamweaver is fighting me on it.

doesn't matter whether i use MX or MX2004, or if i toggle any of the
"rewrite code" options (i've toggled 'til i couldn't toggle anymore!)
. whenever i change a & to &amp; dreamweaver changes it back again
(either after save/close/re-open, or, in the case of MX2004, right
before my eyes on 'save').

my blonde roots must be showing through ... what am i missing here?


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