Jimm Wetherbee jimm at wingate.edu
Wed Mar 30 07:58:21 EST 2005

| When should PDF be used and when should HTML be used?
[--jimm replies] 

Walt Crawford recently commented on why he distributes his _Cites &
Insights_ newsletter in PDF rather than HTML
<http://cites.boisate.edu/civ5i5.pdf>.  It basically comes down to control
over the format and time for him.  It is simply faster and easier to get a
newsletter or magazine article distributed in the layout one wishes with
something other HTML (Word, Publisher, etc.) and then distill it off to PDF.
On the other hand, if layout is not so important, or you would rather not
depend on your clients having a plug-in, or you have more time for the
proper coding or you would prefer a document rich in metadata, then HTML
would be preferred.

| Regards
| John
| John Fitzgibbon
| Galway Public Library
| Island House
| Cathedral Square
| Galway
| Ireland

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