[Web4lib] RE: Another Google question

Eric Hellman eric at openly.com
Fri Jul 15 12:59:15 EDT 2005

I think this is trying to tow a boat trailer with a Ferrari.

At 7:52 AM -0700 7/15/05, Roy Tennant wrote:
>So, in other words, the Google "link:" search is worse than useless. 
>Useless because it fails to work as advertised and worse than 
>useless because it will return just enough so one could imagine it 
>was working as they supposed (and as depicted by Google). Does 
>anyone else feel the wheels starting to come off the car?


Eric Hellman, President                            Openly Informatics, Inc.
eric at openly.com                                    2 Broad St., 2nd Floor
tel 1-973-509-7800 fax 1-734-468-6216              Bloomfield, NJ 07003
http://www.openly.com/1cate/      1 Click Access To Everything

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