[WEB4LIB] RE: Free Virtual Reference Software

Ryan Eby ryaneby at gmail.com
Mon Feb 7 12:20:22 EST 2005

While not for a library, for other sideprojects I've set up Jabber
servers. What's nice is that it can interface with the various IM
systems while using an open protocol. The XML format of the data has
come in handy a few times with projects and makes building systems
around it much easier. Data logging and analysis is also fairly easy
with the format. I believe there are even components to log the data
into various databases now. If the library has some IT expertise it
might be worthwhile to set-up. Another benefit is that you can set up
small jabber clients on the public PC's and the data can stay within
the local network. It does take a bit more time and effort to set-up
though, instead of just downloading trillian or a similar client.

Ryan Eby

On Mon, 7 Feb 2005 08:22:16 -0800 (PST), Houghton, Sarah
<SHoughton at co.marin.ca.us> wrote:
> Hi all,
> We use Trillian (a free IM aggregator) to receive chat questions from AOL, MSN, and Yahoo chat clients.  It works well, and so far we're very happy with it.  While AOL still has the bulk of the IM market, it doesn't have all of it by any means.  We felt it was important to allow users to come in using a variety of chat clients--whatever they already have installed.  We wouldn't want them to have to install a particular chat client just to match up with what we, at the library, have chosen to use.
> Sarah Houghton
> e-Services Librarian
> Marin County Free Library
> San Rafael, California

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