[Web4lib] Library Elf reveals user info

Levine, Jenny LevineJ at mls.lib.il.us
Wed Dec 28 14:35:34 EST 2005

> Does this mean that Elf is the problem because it aggregates 
> feeds? Or is Bloglines(etc) alone the problem? Because if it's 
> the latter then we have to conclude that RSS is not private 
> enough for this library data.

Yes and no. It's no more private than printing receipts with book lists and a user barcode for patrons who end up dropping the piece of paper in the street. It's no more private than sending notices via email to a patron who gives their email login and password to family and friends. RSS in-and-of-itself does not have privacy issues - it's how the patron uses it. And like those other methods, feeds can be put it on a public website without realizing what you're doing.

Having said that, I think Glenn Peterson and Ed Vielmetti have both pointed out ways that libraries can address some of these concerns.
> And if it's Elf, then I would have to wonder if Elf isn't 
> violating the law in some jurisdictions that provide privacy 
> protection for library records.

I'm no lawyer, but can you really accuse ELF of violating privacy protection laws when the patron voluntarily handed over their barcode and PIN? Using an aggregator like Bloglines is now explicitly noted in their FAQ (http://libraryelf.com/FAQ.aspx#privacy). ELF's privacy policy only notes that they can't control what other sites do with your feed, without explicitly noting public aggregators like Bloglines (hopefully they'll add a stronger statement there).

This is exactly why I've always said we need native RSS feeds out of our catalogs, from our vendors, because it's the only way we can control some of these very issues. If the service and security don't come from us, what choice do we give patrons? I voluntarily use ELF because my system doesn't provide me with these services, which I find very valuable. I just never put the feed into a public aggregator.

Jenny Levine
Strategy Guide
Metropolitan Library System
125 Tower Dr., Burr Ridge, IL  60527
AIM: cybrarygal
levinej at mls.lib.il.us
(630) 734 5141

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