[Web4lib] Re: eaudiobooks

jwfelts at ncat.edu jwfelts at ncat.edu
Wed Dec 7 08:55:35 EST 2005

We have a decent-sized collection of electronic audiobooks which are being
used to some extent by our clientele.  We are looking for ways to get
better usage out of these, and I've been thinking of ways that these could
possible be marketed.  
My questions are these:  are there specialized readers for these eaudiobooks besides the obvious, such as theh iPod family?  Used to be when ebooks were coming on the scene, a lot of development was going on in terms of a dedicated ebook reader, with all kinds of slick little hardware devices and whatnot.  

Also, what about subscription-type services?  Is there any service upon
where one could load up, say a an audiobook reader w/ the most current popular business titles, or technology titles, and make that a dedicated viewer for that
subject?  Perhaps these could be circulated at the reference desk or somewhere??
Or is there a neat way to put together some product or title grouping or whatever that utilizes iPod or some type of player that would be a way to market these eaudiobooks?  Obviously, I'm just thinking out loud here, but if anyone has come up
with a neat way to approach and dessiminate electronic audio books, I'd love to hear about them.  Thanks so much for any ideas.

John W. Felts, Jr.
Systems Librarian
Bluford Library
North Carolina A&T State University

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