[Web4lib] Looking for a site-search program that indexes multiple servers

David P. Moore mooredp at email.uah.edu
Wed Aug 10 16:56:30 EDT 2005

Our library website has pages on 4 different servers for various reasons.
Does there exist a service/program that will index parts of different
servers, instead of crawling just a single domain?

We currently use Atomz, but I am not sure if it allows indexing of certain
folders on multiple servers. And Google SiteSearch does just a single
domain, I think. Any thoughts/recommendations on this would be appreciated! 

David P. Moore
Electronic Resources/Business Librarian
M. Louis Salmon Library
University of Alabama in Huntsville
Huntsville, AL 35899
FAX: 256-824-6083
david.moore at uah.edu

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