[Web4lib] Open Access Webliography

Charles W. Bailey, Jr. cbailey at uh.edu
Wed Aug 10 12:29:31 EDT 2005

A preprint of the article "Open Access Webliography" by
Adrian K. Ho and Charles W. Bailey, Jr. is now available. 
This annotated webliography presents a wide range of
electronic resources related to the open access movement
that were freely available on the Internet as of April 2005.


This article appears in the volume 33, no. 3 (2005) issue of
Reference Services Review, which is a special issue about
"the role of the reference librarian in the development,
management, dissemination, and sustainability
of institutional repositories."


A preprint of my "The Role of Reference Librarians in
Institutional Repositories" article in this issue is also


Both preprints are under the Creative Commons
Attribution-NonCommercial License.

Below is a list of the topics covered in the webliography:

* Starting Points
* Bibliographies
* Debates
* Directories--E-Prints, Institutional Repositories, and
  Technical Reports
* Directories--Open Access and Free Journals
* Directories and Guides--Copyright and Licensing
* Directories and Guides--Open Access Publishing
* Directories and Guides--Software
* Disciplinary Archives
* E-Serials about Open Access
* Free E-Serials That Frequently Publish Open Access
* General Information
* Mailing Lists
* Organizations
* Projects
* Publishers and Distributors
* Search Engines
* Special Programs for Developing Countries
* Statements
* Weblogs

Best Regards,

Charles W. Bailey, Jr., Assistant Dean for Digital Library
Planning and Development, University of Houston Libraries
Home: http://www.escholarlypub.com/
DigitalKoans: http://www.escholarlypub.com/digitalkoans/
Open Access Bibliography: http://www.escholarlypub.com/oab/oab.htm
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Bibliography: http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepb.html
Scholarly Electronic Publishing Weblog: http://info.lib.uh.edu/sepb/sepw.htm 

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