[WEB4LIB] how to get it all done
Pons, Lisa (ponslm)
Thu Apr 21 15:14:43 EDT 2005
Not sure what they mean by security issues? Security in terms of not wanting
people to edit directly on the site? Security with them logging into the
site? Extraneous/bad code added?
We have 25 people editing on Contribute 3 who connect using SFTP, and there
are a few things we did to cut down on errors and to protect the code,
etc...Some of these ideas would benefit you in updating and maintaining your
pages as well. They are:
-Dreamweaver Templates:(locks down areas of the page so that it cannot be
edited in Contribute). We have used template parameters as well, which
allows our editors freedom, but again, protects the page. An example would
be, where editors can decide to have a small "help" box display on their
page or not by accessing the template parameter with Contribute, and simply
checking the right box. Then, on the html page, the box appears where the
cascading style sheets tell it to, with the content the editor has put in.
So, editors have control of content, IT has control of code.
Additionally, if you base your pages on a template, you can update all your
pages at once. You can even have options on or off, or use nested templates.
We have 4 levels of nested templates, with one template at the top
controlling thousands of pages.
-SSI's: many of the common areas are in include files, which make updates
easier and insure that the snippets are not changed from one page to the
next by Contribute.
-CSS: Consistency for all editors is achieved by setting the styles in
cascading style sheets, so that editors have the freedom to format their
page, but that format is consistent across the site. (for example, <H1> has
the same font and color everywhere).
Of course, a content management system would be better, but for many
reasons, our organization cant going that route yet, so this was the second
best bet.
Additionally, getting some extensions for Dreamweaver, all free, allows you
to use a GUI interface to have dreamweaver do some simple dynamic pages.
Although, you do need to understand how to setup the database, and some SQL
is helpful as well.
Lisa Pons-Haitz
University Libraries
University of Cincinnati
lisa.pons at uc.edu
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Karen Davis [mailto:kdavis at lawrence.lib.ks.us]
> Sent: Thursday, April 21, 2005 2:04 PM
> To: Multiple recipients of list
> Subject: [WEB4LIB] how to get it all done
> Unfortunately, all I know how to do is create stand-alone web
> pages. I can see that I'm going to be swamped if I continue
> this way. I don't have a content management system for staff
> to use (e.g. Contribute). Each new set of pages I consider
> creating is now making me *cringe*. Too much repetitive work!
> How can I do all this as efficiently as possible? I
> I've recommended Contribute 3 to help distribute the content
> maintenance work among department staff (who are willing ot
> do it), but am told there are security issues which make it
> unfeasible, since we don't have an in-house staging server
> (just ftp to an ISP).
> You all know a great deal more than I do, so, if you could
> suggest how I should recommend that this be set up to run
> efficiently, I would be grateful! What do I need?
> Thanks again very much for your advice.
> ++++++++++++++++++
> Current tools and setup for the web site:
> * Dreamweaver MX 2004, Photoshop 6
> * one user account at an ISP with ftp connection
> * Forms handled with a Perl script (maintained by a techie as
> necessary, not me)
> ++++++++++++++++++
> --
> +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> Karen Davis, Coordinator
> Center for Community Networking &
> Web Administrator
> Lawrence Public Library
> 707 Vermont Street
> Lawrence, KS 66044
> 785.843.3833 ext. 104
> --
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