[WEB4LIB] Re: learning db programming- tips

Chris Gray cpgray at library.uwaterloo.ca
Thu Apr 21 12:48:48 EDT 2005

I agree that a desktop db is a good place to start learning and I'm a big
advocate of Microsoft Access (although not generally a Microsoft
advocate).  There is an excellent, clear, and approachable introductory
book by Mark Whitehorn and Bill Marklyn called "Inside Relational
Databases" and it uses Access as a teaching tool for non-specialists.
Even if you don't use Access this is a great book to start with.


"The brain is a wonderful organ. It starts working the moment you get up
in the morning and does not stop until you get into the office." -Robert

On Thu, 21 Apr 2005, Roy Tennant wrote:

> I realize the message below may spawn a string of messages from LAMP
> (linux, apache, mysql, php or other favorite 'p' language - perl,
> python) adherents, but I wanted to chime in and say that there is still
> a lot to be said for exposing "desktop" databases on the web -- for
> example, FileMaker Pro. These can be dead easy to get going and provide
> a familiar windowed interface to managing the database. Whereas many
> people would run screaming into the night when faced with raw MySQL or
> even MySQL front-ends like phpMyAdmin, this may provide a useable
> solution. In other words, solve simple problems simply, and only get
> more complex as your needs demand.
> Roy
> On Apr 21, 2005, at 9:03 AM, Karen Davis wrote:
> > Andrew Darby wrote:
> >> Both are now running off one MySQL database, and we connect with PHP.
> >>  I
> >> know you said you didn't do db programming, but it is the best way to
> >> handle this sort of thing, and isn't as hard as it may seem at first
> >> blush . . . .
> >
> >
> > Andrew (or anyone else who wants to chime in):
> > more and more I'm resigned to having to learn db programming, but I'm
> > dumb as dirt about it!
> > Could you please give me some tips on how to get started? What
> > software do I need? (I use DW MX 2004 to create web pages)
> >
> >
> > --
> > +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
> > Karen Davis, Coordinator
> > Center for Community Networking &
> > Web Administrator
> > Lawrence Public Library
> > 707 Vermont Street
> > Lawrence, KS 66044
> > 785.843.3833 ext. 104
> >
> > --
> >
> >

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