opacs for children

Janine Bendel malefica at web.de
Thu Apr 14 06:19:14 EDT 2005

Dear Ms. and Mr., 

I´m studying library science in berlin (germany) and at the moment I´m writing my master thesis with the topic “opac´s for children”. My aim is an international comparison and as a basement I chose the “Best- Practice-Recherche” (Bertelsmann) with the following countries: USA, England, Denmark, Finland and Singapore. Till now I found predominant eldery literature about these topic (f.e. “Bücherschatz” in Hamburg; formerly studies: P. Solomon, V. Walter), not so much in the bibliographies (LISA, LiLi) but also some interesting new projects in the internet (f.e. in Maryland and Denmark). I´ve also talked with many librarians and next I´ll contact some software companies. Can anybody give me some more advices or do you know persons to talk to for me?

Thank you!

Yours sincerely

Janine Bendel

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