[WEB4LIB] Files & Folders 101

Colleen Robledo crobledo at mission-viejo.com
Wed Apr 6 20:07:27 EDT 2005


Elizabeth Castro's "HTML for the World Wide Web" does a good job.  This
was used as a recommended reading for my library school web design
class.  I already had experience with this kind of stuff, but I still
found the basics very helpful, especially in terms of FTP'g  and how to
correctly name files/folders (I'd alwasy published with FrontPage). 
Lots of pictures too.

I also maintain a web project for USGenWeb, and refer my new state file
manages to the following basic FTP tutorial:


Colleen Robledo
Mission Viejo Library
Library Assistant, Technology Center
949/830-7100 (Ext: 4012)
CRobledo at mission-viejo.com

>>> Stacy Pober <stacy.pober at manhattan.edu> 4/6/2005 2:32:14 PM >>>
I've been helping someone learn HTML so that he can do his own web

He's learned the HTML well, but is having persistent problems with the
basic understanding of the structure of information as saved in files
folders and the difference between saving a file on his local machine
vs. FTP-ing it onto web server.

I'm not as patient as I aspire to be, and after there's only so many
I can explain that the reason he doesn't see the change to his pages
that the file is still on his PC and hasn't been transferred to the
or that it is in the wrong folder rather than the public HTML server
without feeling that maybe I'm going about this the wrong way.

I wonder if there's some good basic help out there, either in the form
a web tutorial or a good (but short) book. The person who needs this
computers every day without a problem, so I'm not looking for
that covers a wide range of computer topics, just issues related to
storage of information in files and folders and subfolders and local
remote.  Whatever it is has to use Windows terminology, otherwise it
will be useless.

Stacy Pober
Information Alchemist
Manhattan College
O'Malley Library
Riverdale, NY 10471
stacy.pober at manhattan.edu 

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