[WEB4LIB] Re: microform readers

ZGY sc_zgy at 126.com
Thu Sep 2 23:43:21 EDT 2004

How about ST200 from UMI?

======= 2004-09-02 15:10:00:=======

From:Lars Aronsson[lars at aronsson.se]
To:Multiple recipients of list[web4lib at webjunction.org]
Subject:[WEB4LIB] Re: microform readers

>Bob Frasier wrote:
>> We're looking for a microfilm and/or microfiche reader(s) that will
>> output a digital image.  Any suggestions on where to start would be
>> most appreciated.
>Mekel makes those, www.mekel.com
>They aren't necessarily cheap.
>I'd be interested to learn about any affordable alternative.
>Lars Aronsson.
>  Aronsson Datateknik


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