wordpress and predated posts

Neatrour, Anna aneatr01 at ase.tufts.edu
Mon Nov 8 16:17:05 EST 2004

>One feature I would like to see compared in terms of ease of use, based on
>current releases of both products, is predated posts. MT requires twiddling
>with cron, which for those of us not adept is a bit of a challenge though
>not impossible. (I should point out that securely and successfully
>installing anything Perl-based in an hour is a startling achievement for
>someone with my limited Perl skills, and probably translates to ten minutes,
>including five for making tea, for you adepts.) However, I didn't see this
>valuable feature (which next to comment moderation was the second thing I
>waited for in 3.1*) listed at all on the Wordpress documentation. (Editing a
>timestamp is also in MT and is a no-brainer, but it's not the same.) Is it
>just one of those items the WP folk haven't documented well, in the
>time-honored manner of free stuff?

I think all you have to do is use the "Edit timestamp" option when you are composing a draft of the post that you want to have dated in the future. If the timestamp is set at a future date the post isn't published until that day. I've never had to use this feature before, but I just tested it out with one of my blogs and it worked with no problems. 


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