[WEB4LIB] Computer denies access to secure sites

Knuth, Pat MS IMA-Europe pat.knuth at us.army.mil
Wed Jul 21 10:53:46 EDT 2004

How very interesting.  When I got a copy of my message from the list, the
first paragraph was missing.  I'm resending just in case it's of some use.


-----Original Message-----
From: Knuth, Pat MS IMA-Europe 
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 2:56 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: RE: [WEB4LIB] Computer denies access to secure sites

This is a long shot.  If you're not logging in with admin rights, could
there be some sort of plugin that needs to load, but can't.  I've seen ones
that don't come up and tell you that you need admin rights to load. If
you've already had someone logged in with admin rights while you try to
reach the site then that's not the problem.  

Good luck

Pat Knuth
Systems Librarian
European Regional Library and Support Center
Unit 29351
APO AE 09014-9351
DSN 314-370-6158 / 7430
DSN fax 314-370-6916
011-49-6221-576158 or 577430
fax 011-49-6221-576916
pat.knuth at us.army.mil

-----Original Message-----
From: web4lib at webjunction.org [mailto:web4lib at webjunction.org]
On Behalf Of Florence Paisey
Sent: Wednesday, July 21, 2004 1:56 PM
To: Multiple recipients of list
Subject: [WEB4LIB] Computer denies access to secure sites

Please excuse this if it doesn't relate to the ongoing discussion.

I am currently enrolled in an ARL course and have been given username and
password.  Both are correct and have been tested.  My computer, using IE 6
and Netscape 7.1 (?) will not allow me access to certain secure sites.
Several tech expects have tried and there has been no success. Temp files
are empty, Cookies empty, pop up enabled, security settings on low, but when
I try to access any secure, restricted site using proper username and
password something blocks my entrance and a user denial page comes up. We've
spent 2 days trying to sort out what the issue could be, but there is
absolutely no success.  Does anybody have any idea what could be causing the
computer to block my access.  To my knowledge I have no firewall, and no
sophisticated security program installed.  Any sincere help would be
appreciated. I'm just about ready to take an extreme measure and buy a new
computer; the class is in progress and I can't gain access.  Program
director hasn't been able to help.  Does anyone know what could be causing
the problem.

Florence Paisey
f.paisey at worldnet.att.net
Librarian, Miami Dade County Public Schools

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