[WEB4LIB] Re: Library Websites that use Icons

Ryan Eby ryaneby at gmail.com
Thu Dec 9 14:33:52 EST 2004

For those looking for icons..

You can download many of the icons for Gnome in an archive here:

You may also look at Iconfactory which has many high quality freeware
icons for use on non-commercial sites:
Their FAQ gives information on copyright issues. There's also many
more icons in the Warehouse section.

They also run a royalty-free icon site that sells collections:

Ryan Eby

On Thu, 9 Dec 2004 11:17:54 -0800 (PST), Andrew Nagy
<andrew.nagy at villanova.edu> wrote:
> Chris, I would also be interested in who has done this as I an in the
> same position.  In a few small applications I have used icons from the
> Redhat Linux desktop since they are considered open-source and therefore
> free to use.  I feel that icons are essential in service-oriented
> websites as it allows the user to navigate based on graphical icons
> rather than text.
> Andrew
> Chris Jorgensen wrote:
> >Dear Colleagues,
> >
> >I am looking for examples of library websites that have made good use of
> >icons, as I've been asked to consider (along with my Web Team) adding icons
> >to our website. As I see it, if we decide to add icons to our site, my
> >options are buying a set of icons (from someplace like
> >www.iconexperience.com) or begging the use of some icons off a library that
> >already is using them. Alas, I have only the graphic design skills to alter
> >someone else's work (i.e. change color to match our site), but not to create
> >my own icons from scratch (well, if I wanted them to look decent anyway).
> >
> >So, do any of you use icons on your library website or know of libraries
> >that use them effectively? I'm not really worried about getting permission
> >to use the icons at this point--I'm just trying to gather some examples to
> >show to my Web Team for them to consider if icons are the way we want to go.
> >
> >Please respond off-list, and I'll be glad to compile my list of icon-using
> >sites and post it if anyone is interested.
> >
> >Thanks in advance!
> >
> >Chris Jorgensen
> >Reference/Web Services Librarian
> >Reinert/Alumni Memorial Library
> >2500 California Plaza
> >Omaha, NE 68178
> >voice: 402.280.1757
> >fax: 402.280.2435
> >email: cjorgensen at creighton.edu
> >web: http://reinert.creighton.edu
> >
> >
> >
> >

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